Biden Caught with a Cheat Sheet to Assist Him
In the wake of Biden’s failing health and memory his handlers appear to have given him a set of Cheat sheets to keep him on Task. He is seen here…
In the wake of Biden’s failing health and memory his handlers appear to have given him a set of Cheat sheets to keep him on Task. He is seen here…
It shouldn’t be a shock to the media that Trump now leads Biden in nearly every major swing state, or that he’s crushing Biden with independents. We remember the strength…
“We have the receipts of wire transfers that went from corrupt oligarchs overseas to Hunter Biden, wired to the address that belonged to Joe Biden.” @michaeljknowles of @realdailywire breaks down…
The irony with the Biden Administration’s decision to prosecute Donald Trump is that as president, Trump had full discretion over handling classified material and full discretion in deciding which records…
Vivek goes on to explain what the Democrats are up to with the failing Biden campaign. He doesn’t want you to fall into an age-old trap of look over here…
Enough already, the USA has become the laughing stock or the world, this is how the rest see the Unted States now, just pathetic. Time for biden to retire. Mental…
This is like DeJa’Vu all over again, this is the Game Plan of the democrats, open the borders, let the illegals flood in with promises of Free Everything and then….…
Is this the beginning of the End for Biden and his Failed presidency? View this post on Instagram A post shared by Lars Larson (@thelarslarsonshow)
This was just to funny not to share. Some will not like it, but those are the ones without a sense of humor. At least it’s not a severed head…
View this post on Instagram A post shared by PROJECT KNOWLEDGE (@project_knowledge) Biden says that “We can Only Elect Donald Trump”