Democrats’ Shady Crossover Voting Strategy Could Upend GOP Primaries

Democrats' Shady Crossover Voting Strategy Could Upend GOP PrimariesDemocrats' Shady Crossover Voting Strategy Could Upend GOP Primaries

Crossover voting is when a voter participates in a primary election for a political party with which they do not generally affiliate. Crossover voting can occur in states with open primaries, which do not require one to be a member of a party to participate in a party’s primary. In these states, a voter may choose to vote in the partisan primary of his or her choice. 

To vote for a presidential candidate, residents with no party preference must request a crossover ballot or register with one of the parties.

Just another way the liberals find to cheat at the voting booth.  How afraid they are to try and win an election through substance and real policy.

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