The Democratic National Committee has ‘manipulated the process’: Marianne Williamson

Biden not on ballots - Stealing election for liberalsBiden not on ballots - Stealing election for liberals

Democrats from around the nation are in an uproar over the DNC trying to control the election cycle and force a candidate down their throats with no input from the masses.

It’s like they are saying, “This is your candidate, and we don’t care what you think, fall in line, or else”…

I don’t know about you, but I would not stand for that, not even a little bit.

Here is the Video of Williaqmson in an interview with Fox News on this subject.


Stand up for your rights, don’t let the pencil heads at the DNC take away your voice..

The elections and the voting process in the USA is supposed to be an honorable thing to participate in, giving each individual the opportunity to vote and have their voice heard.  But when you let a handful of people dictate who the candidate is, they essentially take your choice away.

Stand up and DEMAND that you have your voice heard, Demand that your vote counts and Demand that you have a choice…

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