Democrat Politicians and other Liberals using INCITEFUL Language condoning Violence.

Democrat Politicians and other Liberals using INCITEFUL Language condoning Violence.

Liberals have been “Inciting” Violence for YEARS!

It seems that just about every speech a liberal make has the connotation of hate and violence in it.  Whether a politician, so called celebrity or a wanna be tough guy… 

There language is full of venom and hate.

The liberals are hell bent on going after President Trump for his speech, trying to claim that he incited violence, which is as far from the truth as you can get.

Let’s look at the yearlong riots and violence perpetrated against the American people by liberals and the misguided antifa bunch.  All these liberals, politicians, hollywood whacko’s and the like, all of them hailed these rioters as hero’s, and some even spent money to bail them out.

Here is a sample montage of these liberals inciting people to Fight, Puch President Trump, to burn down the Whitehouse and even an actor talking about shooting… Disgraceful… 

Liberals Inciting Violence

Give us your thoughts on this and what you feel needs to be done to these that are actively inciting the physical harm of fellow citizens.


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