133 years of liberty/State of Idaho created July 3rd 1890

133 years ago today, President Benjamin Harrison signed his name to an act of Congress creating Idaho as the 43rd state in the union. On that day, the people of Idaho officially approved our state constitution, writing, “We, the people of the state of Idaho, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, to secure its blessings and promote our common welfare do establish this Constitution.”
The Idaho Freedom Foundation began in 2009 because Wayne Hoffman saw that lawmakers and lobbyists were forgetting the principles of free markets and God-given liberties on which our country and our state were founded. Our society has strayed from those ideals, but the bedrock is still there.
As we celebrate the birthdays of Idaho and the United States this week, remember why they were created in the first place. Men and women came to Idaho in the 1800s for the same reason they came to the New World in the 1700s: to live free, and to raise their families as they saw fit, without interference from kings or parliaments. Many families are migrating to Idaho for the same purpose as we speak!
As you prepare for barbecues and fireworks, take a moment to read today’s Pride in America article about founding father Patrick Henry. When he famously said “Give me liberty, or give me death,” it was no idle challenge. He and his generation were willing to die so that their sons and daughters could live free. What are we willing to do to ensure the same for our children?

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